(317) 237-7770

President’s Message

Dear Families,

I have spent more than 26 years in the healthcare field, eleven of which have been dedicated to staffing registered nurses in hospitals for needed patient care. Despite my professional affiliation with the healthcare field, my vision and mission for At Home Preferred stems from my personal journeys with family illness. I lived through my mother’s fight with Guillain Barre syndrome, a devastating neuro-muscular disorder, as well as her struggle through three major surgeries. I also lived through my father-in-law’s difficult bout with Parkinson’s disease until his passing. I’ve seen how illness affects not only the patient, but the family.

Through these life experiences, I know that families are extremely challenged when taking on the care of a loved one. Oftentimes siblings have their own children and careers to tend to and may live in another city. Similarly, spouses are ill prepared and overwhelmed by the sudden need to change into a new and different role.

As president of both RN & Allied Specialties and At Home Preferred, I have access to the resources to affect people’s lives in a small but meaningful way. My vision for At Home Preferred is to provide meaningful solutions for families faced with taking care of a loved one. It may be a parent, brother or sister. It may even be a child.

My view is that the home is preferable to a facility and that people do better when they remain in a familiar environment for as long as possible. I want people to be able to watch their own TVs, enjoy their pets, children and grandchildren….drive to their neighborhood store and sit in their favorite chair. This is my hope.

I understand the importance for family to remain in their roles as son and daughter, parent or spouse. This environment can only be created if people step in and serve as helpers who blend in with the family in a trusted and pleasing way. Therefore it is our mission to find, train, and match caregivers with families who can maintain the home experience so that compromise and change are kept to a minimum. If we can accomplish this mission, we have delivered on my vision for At Home Preferred.


Andy Lamberson