Five Reasons College Students Should Take a Homecare Job
Many eons ago, young people spent their college years working on their degrees. If only it were that simple today. Faced with rising tuition costs and the burden of student loan debt, more than 70 percent of college students have jobs while attending college. And it’s not just a few hours a week either. According Georgetown University researchers, college students work an average of 30 hours a week. One in four works full-time while going to school full-time.
Finding the perfect job during college isn’t always easy. The traditional fall-backs – restaurants and retail – can come with awkward hours. Colleges and universities have student jobs, but they don’t pay much. Better paying jobs require more experience and are harder to find.
At Home Preferred would like to offer a suggestion: work in home care, an industry that provides a number of in-home services to seniors and other adults who are temporarily homebound due to surgery or injury. Here are five reasons why:
Reason 1: The hours are flexible; you decide when you are available to work and the number of hours you’d like. For example, all your classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You can choose to work Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Knowing this, At Home Preferred will find assignments that fit your schedule.
Reason 2: Working in home care is a résumé builder, particularly if you’re going into a healthcare field or business. It tells a future employer that you are disciplined, responsible, meet deadlines, and are a problem solver. Increasingly, employers look more at your experience and skills college than your GPA.
Reason 3: You don’t need special skills. What you do need is a positive attitude, a willingness to help others and the ability to show up to assignments on time. One thing’s certain, you’ll gain many new skills!
Reason 4: You’ll never get bored. Each day is different and you’ll meet interesting people who will challenge you and ultimately make you a better person. While preparing simple meals, performing household chores, and running errands are not glamorous activities, you will be making lives of others better. For many clients, just your presence will make their day!
Reason 5: You make good money. And what college student doesn’t need money?
If this sounds interesting to you, At Home Preferred is now hiring for assignments in Indianapolis, Carmel and surroundings communities. Visit our website, learn more, fill out an online application, or simply contact us. We’d like to hear from you.